Dani Doom

Welcome to the DoomSpace

Dani Doom, Princess of Pain

Created for me by 2 wonderful friends

Welcome to the stage 2 site! My best may not be fast, but it's happening

I had a vague idea for this site a long time ago and have wanted to set it up since September. Unfortunately my health and head have both been really low over the past couple of years and it has been a struggle to get through day to day life. The thought of taking anything else on was daunting but with a bunch of support, and surprisingly to me, encouragement from both friends and strangers, I'm now starting to move forwards slowly but surely.

Got any tips, tricks or life hacks? Please join! The forum will be up and running soon and in the mean time I'd love to hear anything that may be helpful, or even just anything you want to get off your chest. If you have any ideas on how we can get helping each other in a succesful and safe way I'm eager to hear your thoughts.

Welcome to the Doomsphere

A little intro to the site January 2018

Soon to come is a space for everyone in the tightest spots in life but still trying to have fun, to share their problems and solutions. My illness effects my time and ability for all the things I want to do, from work and getting this site up and running, to cosplay and gaming. I wanna hear cosplay, crafting, and life hacks from other Doomers. A forum will be up and running as soon as I feel a little more capable and awake.

Please send in your videos, articles, pictures, whatever tells your story or shows your tips! I can't do this without you and want to hear from you all.  


Hi, my name is Dani and my life is doomed! I have sickle cell, anxiety problems and seem to be ill in other ways, and I'm a single mum. I'm completely exhausted most of the time, and in pain most days. I want to learn more, make cosplay, start a career and so much more but at this rate I'll settle for a dash of fun every now n then. I want to connect to any other Doomers I find and see if there are problems we can solve together. And sometimes I probably just wanna get tipsy n rant. But in this space, you're very welcome to come rant with me. Most of my videos will probably be in cosplay cos I'm camera shy and have massive anxiety issues. Let's just see where this goes I guess.